By RAINBOW | 16 August 2023 | 0 Комментарии

2023 Cosmoprof Bologna

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will take place from 16 to 20 March 2023.

The 2022 edition was a fundamental step to restoring confidence in the entire sector, with 220,057 operators from more than 140 countries and more than 2,700 exhibiting companies from 70 countries.

1 Fair, 3 Shows. Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is a 3-show-event, with different opening and closing dates so to facilitate the flow of visitors and enhance networking and business.

-  Cosmopack, with all the supply chain components, active from Thursday 16 to Saturday 18 March 2023.

-   Cosmo Perfumery & Cosmetics, dedicated to perfumery and body car proposals for the retail, prestige, and masstige channels, open from Thursday 16 to Saturday 18 March 2023, together with Cosmopack.

-   Cosmo Hair, Nail & Beauty Salon that host companies and operators of finished products, equipment, furnishings, and services for the professional world of hair, nail, and beauty/spa, open from Friday 17 to Monday 20 March, 2023.

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